Tag: research

The Wreck of the Merchant Royal

On a trip down the research rabbit hole an author never knows when or where actual history and their story just might intersect! One of the joys–and trials–of writing historical fiction, even historical fantasy, is the historical part. Especially in historical fantasy, nailing the historical details makes the world so much richer that it is …

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A World of Dragons

If you take a glance at English mythology, it is full of dragons. Seriously, they are everywhere. Throughout Britain’s history, their lands were settled by peoples who brought dragons, their symbolism, and images from their homelands. The Britons, Gauls, and Germanic peoples (just to name a few) brought myths with them that mingled with indigenous …

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What do Show Chickens have to do with Dragons? Everything!

It kind of goes without saying that historical fiction takes tons of research. Tons. Literally heaps and gobs of it. Great stacks and piles. I thought my doctoral dissertation took a lot of research. That was nothing in comparison to the thousands of pages I have read and saved on my hard drive. History=Research. OK. …

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